Hello Everyone:
It’s Sunday – – currently watching to see if Tiger Woods is going to win his first tournament in 2010. Going into a playoff. Exciting way to spend the day no? (That and watching the NFL and sleeping!). Actually, I have spent most of the day sleeping.
I have put up my little Christmas tree and wreath is hanging on my door – so with the snow today – it is really starting to feel like the holidays. That’s nice and comforting. Peaceful.
I had my second chemo treatment on Wed. Dec. 1st. I’m a little more tired this cycle. A little more heartburn and nausea. I have found a new friend in Hagen Daas ice cream! Thankfully, no vomitting and excessive pain. Sleeping is always difficult in the first few nights, but I am hoping that I will get back on track in the next few nights.
Good news – is that 2 treatments down, and only 4 to go. One-third of the way through chemo. That’s a positive. Another thing, I am still eating. Hopefully, it will be as good as the last cycle.
On the subject of my hair – – it’s coming out fast now. I really may have to just get Brian to shave it all off.
Feeling sluggish. Going to have some dinner soon and call it a night.
Thank you all again for being there. See you and catch up soon.
Winnie xo