Hello everyone:
Summer is finally here – officially that is. The temperature in Toronto has been soaring. New highs made in the last couple of days.
On June 7th, I was the guest speaker and participating model in Show We Care Fashion Show. A charity event put on by Women’s Fitness of Canada in support of Womens’ cancers and the Wig Salon at Princess Margaret Hospital. There were over 300 people who attended the event and they have raised nearly $50,000 for a great cause. I have to say that I was a bit nervous just prior to the start of the event. Not because I was going to be wearing Lululemon and doing a shimmy (zumba style) to LMFAO’s “I’m Sexy and I Know It” song, but because although I have done some public speaking and media work in the past, (although not to such a large live audience), the topic was so personal I wasn’t sure how it was going to turn out. A few friends and family showed up for support. I made sure that they were all in the same area, then I chose purposely not to look in that direction when I gave my speech. I knew that one look of acknowledgement would turn into a flood of tears. I think it all went well. It was quite frankly so overwhelming. The number of people who came up to me afterwards, the applause I received during parts of my story was incredible. People called me brave. Strangers hugged me. Women told me how inspiring my words were. Simply amazing.
Since it was a benefit for the Wig Salon, I decided to don on various wigs. A long curly/wavy one for the speech; a Cleopatra style for the fashion show to strut my stuff; and the blonde one to mark yet another significant event in my journey.
Here is my speech – which took me 5 minutes to share and , my “blonde” pose:
June 16th marked a year since my second surgery. Much easier to pass than the first surgery.
June 20, 2012: I got my hair cut again. Cut right down again.Very short and simple. Unfortunately my hair according to Brian hasn’t decided what direction it wants to grow back in and it’s like baby’s hair. Kind of messy and not that strong. It is times like this when I think it would be better to have been of european descent rather than asian. But that thought never last long, since I’ve never had to shave my legs in my life. LOL!!
But the big news is that I went to work afterwards “sans” wig. Big day. You can’t imagine the looks I’ve been getting. I’ll still wear wigs from time to time, but going au natural (now that I have a good tidy cut) is easier when people tell me how beautiful my face is, how nice to see the sparkle in my eyes, and most importantly, what a perfectly shaped head I have (Thanks Mom!!). Will send my pic on that the next time. It’s very “chic”.
Love and hugs to you all. As I mentioned in my speech, You, my Warriors, made all the difference in the world to me.
Winnie xo